Friday, April 30, 2010

social relevence

"The Times They are a-Changin'" by Bob Dylan
This song explains that it is necessary that we notice the changes around us in society. The narrator claims that "There's a battle outside/... It'll soon shake your windows." This message indicates that we cannot afford to ignore the changes because we will all be affected by them in some way. The lyrics of this song can be applied to any period of history because society is always changing.

"Give Peace a Chance" by John Lennon
In this song, the narrator points out the various topics that are focused on in society. However, he argues that they are not the most important things to worry about. He believes that society's first priority should be to just "give peace a chance." This song was released during the Vietnam War, in which the U.S. defended South Vietnam in a fight to contain communism. Although the time period suggests that the song is directed towards the Vietnam War, it could be applied to any time of war.

"American Pie" by Don McLean
The lyrics of this song emphasize the importance of music in society. It has many allusions involving musicians that affected society. These allusions include but are not limited to Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

6 song themes

"Life After You" by Daughtry
One of the main messages of this song is about joy. The narrator explains, "All that I'm after is a life full of laughter/ As long as I'm laughin' with you." He wants nothing more than to be with this person because he knows that it brings him happiness.

"Friends" by Led Zeppelin
It is clear from the title of this song that it is about friendship. It illustrates how important friends are and how easy it is to be kind to others. When someone is lonely or sad, the narrator advises that you should "trade a smile with" them, or in other words, make them feel better.

"Time" by Pink Floyd
Comfort is expressed at the end of this song. The narrator says, "Home again/ I like to be here when I can/ And when I come home cold and tired/ It’s good to warm my bones beside the fire." The song illustrates how time passes more quickly than we think it does. After describing the frustration of realizing how little time we have, the feeling of comfort is described, using the example of home.

"In My Life" by the Beatles
This song incorporates the theme of love, which is common among many well-known songs. The narrator explains, "Though I know I'll never lose affection/ For people and things that went before... In my life, I love you more." He admits that he has loved many people and things throughout his life, but he had not loved any of them as much as he loves this person.

"Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen
Knowledge is one of the themes of this song, although there are many possible translations of it. Several lines indicate that the narrator is searching for knowledge. The song begins with, "Is this the real life?/ Is this just fantasy?" He wants to know the difference between reality and fantasy.

"Forever Young" by Bob Dylan
This song is based on religious ideas. This song is written in second person point of view, in the form of a blessing. For example, the narrator expresses hope that the listener will be strong, courageous, true, and righteous, which are all qualities that the Bible encourages people to have.